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What if we could re-start affiliate marketing?

What if we could re-start affiliate marketing?

The lack of a proper attribution model within the industry is actually more or less how we got to the first version of Odyssey. However, there are more topics in which I believe the affiliate industry is completely missing the point.

How to include costs and revenue in your attribution model?

How to include costs and revenue in your attribution model?

It's important to see which marketing channels drive most of the value, but if these channels cost you a fortune, you don't want to spend all your marketing budget there. Therefore, including both costs and revenue in your MTA model is essential.

How to start with marketing attribution?

How to start with marketing attribution?

The most important reasons for the slow adaptation of marketing attribution among marketers are complexity, a misunderstanding about what AI could do and Google's domination of the digital marketing industry in general.