How adidas discovered the incremental value of paid search campaigns

Toon Hilhorst linkedin

Toon Hilhorst

October, 21

How adidas discovered the incremental value of paid search campaigns
case study

adidas: a 12% increase of paid search ROI

The paid search activities of adidas are managed and optimized based on last-click data from Google Analytics. The company was struggling to identify campaigns that were outperforming competitors.The E-commerce team wanted more than the last-click revenue data, they needed incrementality insights to optimize the ad spend.

By looking at the incrementality insights for the Paid Search channel it came out clearly that ‘generic’ campaigns were performing very well. The incrementality of these campaigns was about 25% higher compared to other paid search campaigns and the attributed revenue was 23% higher in Odyssey than it was in Google Analytics.

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  • Paid search case study
  • Multi-touch attribution insights
  • Improved ROI with 12%

Kind regards,
The Odyssey team

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